Monday, 4 June 2012

5 Ways to Be Motivated

         1. Choose your companions wisely:
     The impact our companions have in our life works like the Osmosis Principle. For those of you who have forgotten your biology lessons, a quick trip down memory lane is essential. The scientist will tell you that Osmosis is the movement of solvent molecules from a region of high concentration to region of lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane.

The fact is, our life with our companions operate in the same way. Depending on who we or our friends are, we are either the high concentration or the lower concentration. If our friends are full of pessimism, lack, laziness, rancour, and we are not, then we are the low concentration of negativity while they are the high concentration. Now, with time, we tend to have a movement of these molecules being transferred to us. We become more like them and less of ourselves. Our brain being the semi-permeable membrane. If we on the other hand we are full of negativity and our friends are full of positivity, with time we tend to pick up those traits.

And so if we want to be motivated and be high spirited, let us not associate ourselves with companions who have a high concentration of de-motivation and low spirit, for just like Osmosis, there will be a movement of molecules from their high region to yours through the semi-permeable membrane of your brain, so choose your companions wisely.
Stay blessed and watch out for the rest.

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