Friday, 11 May 2012

The Concept Of Personal Branding

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The Concept Of Personal Branding is about reserving a word or phrase in the minds of others when they think of you. It's about discovering what you are good at and creating a life out of it. Each of us has a word that our friends associate with us. Let's face it, whenever certain names are mentioned, it evoke either a word or phrase. Lionel Messi, Christiano Ronaldo, Azumah Nelson, Barack Obama, Chris Brown, Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, all these names have a word or a phrase associated with them. That's where they have created their Personal Brand. Where have you created yours?

So how do you create your Personal Brand?
In creating your Personal Brand...
  1. Focus on your  values and character
  2. Focus on your talents and skills
  3. Have a personal mission statement/ a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  4. Acquire the relevant knowledge
  5. Develop good communication skills
  6. Remember that dress sense and etiquette matters
  7. Don't neglect the generic value enhancers i.e. driver's license, Passport, etc
So why is Personal Branding even important? Well, here are a few reasons:
  1.  Personal Branding gives you a sense of focus
  2. Provides you with reputational equity/ goodwill
  3. Gives you personal and business success
  4. Provides you with patronage
So, the next time you go out to interact with others, remember that you are a brand and how people perceive you matters. Take time to develop your Personal Brand... 

Stay Blessed and I Love you.

(This piece was carved from Albert and Comfort Ocran's book, Personal Branding and Reputational Equity from their Biblical Economic Series)

Friday, 4 May 2012


"Duty makes you do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully."
~Zig Zigler~

Thursday, 3 May 2012

The Laws of the Farm...

Life is like one big farm. Cultivated, tilled, ploughed and watered by our thoughts, our intents, our actions and our in-actions. Its rules are like those of the physical farm. We may not be plants or seedlings but the same laws indirectly govern us in our long journey on this earth.
I call it: The Laws of the Farm.

The laws of the farm are not new. They are nature’s checks and balances to man and the container he finds himself in. they what ensures the very survival and progress of man (and woman). Believe it or not, neglecting them is to your own peril.

To me there are five simple laws - yes, just five simple laws- but they form a critical part of our existence. The first four are numbered two for the simple reason that none of them is more important than the other and they are second to the first and the last one is numbered one because he is supreme. (Why then is it at the bottom? Well, the bottom of everything is the foundation of the entire structure and without it nothing stands). So here they are. Enjoy the read.

2. The time for planting will come but PREPARATION is necessary: I heard a story of two farmers who desperately needed rain. They both went out to their fields to pray for hours unending. Tired, they each went home. Both prayed for rains but only one of them went out to prepare his fields to receive the rains. Which one of them do you think trusted God for the rains? Which one are you? The rains will come but you have to prepare your fields to receive it.

2. You can’t plant at anytime: KNOW and UNDERSTAND THE TIMES: In 1 Chronicles 12: 32, the bible tells us that the children of Issachar had an understanding of the times. They were weather-wise and they understood public affairs, the temper of the nation, and the tendencies of the present events. They knew how to rule, and the rest knew how to obey. And because they understood the times and knew what Israel ought to do, all their brethren were at their commandment.” Know and understand the times and all the elements will be under your control.

2. NEGLECT and IGNORANCE are out of the question: I tried making my first farm just close to my house and believe me it wasn’t even that big. It was just about the size of my bedroom and my bedroom isn’t that big. Well, guess what?  I took time to visit the farm only about once each month. It was a yam farm by the way. And each time I was amazed by the sheer number of weeds and plastics that had taken over my precious yam farm. Ironic right, how I can call a neglected farm “precious”. To make matters worse, I had no clue what diseases, pests and rodents attacked yams but my ignorance did not deter these pests, diseases and rodents from my “babies”. Harvest time…well it was funny. I don’t even want to disgrace myself. The fact is, in life that is just the way it is. You can’t afford to neglect and be ignorant about the things that concern you and which have the propensity  to sour you to higher heights. Refuse to be ignorant. Search for the relevant knowledge (all knowledge is relevant though) and never neglect your vision, your dreams, your goals.  

 2. You REAP WHAT YOU SOW: The epistle of Paul the apostle to the Galatians chapter 6:7 has this to say, “Be not deceived: God is not mocked: For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” That takes me back to my “precious” farm. I painstakingly planted yams and guess what I harvested? Cocoa! What a big lie! In the end, all I harvest were the few tubers of yam that I buried in the ground. That is life. You cannot expect to harvest fish when all you have grown is cassava. Our brain works in the same way. We each have 15 million acres of brain cells, of which we use generally less than 30%. And whatever you plant on those acres of cells, you inevitably reap as your harvest. Sow laziness and the result is a decent of poverty on your life like a gang of armed robbers. Cultivate hard and smart work and the result is prosperity. So the next time you think of planting in the fertile soils of your brain cells, stop and think about what you are sowing because in the end, you will always reap what you sow.   

1. It’s not entirely left to you. GOD REIGNS: The epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans has in its first verse of the thirteenth chapter this scripture: “Let every soul be subject unto higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained by God.” It continues in the second verse by saying, “Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”  For the skeptics, if this isn’t prove enough for you that God reigns, then follow me to the Revelation of  Saint John chapter one the eighth verse which reads: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Hmmm! Still need more proof? Then let us go to 1 Timothy 1:17 which says, “Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory forever and ever. Amen” And finally, Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” What more proof do you need? God reigns.     
So there they are. Nature’s five lessons from the farm to you. Knowledge resides everywhere; wide awake and on tip-toes. Be ready for him (knowledge). Receive him and he will make you wise. Use him and he will prosper you. Open your doors wide for him for he is knocking and waiting for your outstretched arms.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this. But remember, the main purpose of education is ACTION. Do not only be inspired by these words but be moved to ACT on them.

Stay blessed. I love you.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Power is Yours...

Many of us are looking for various things to fulfill their lives. Many of us are searching. Constantly on the lookout for that one thing that will bring joy, peace, and utter fulfillment into their lost souls. We’ve been looking everywhere for it - from parents to friends, from the home to business. We search for it in our relationships and in our religion. We search for it so much that desperation sets in when we don’t find it.

We are seeking many things – the desire to be loved, fame, joy, and success – and we are looking everywhere for it. We are looking for it in so many places that we forget the one place we can find it. The one place where success is brewed. The one place where all things great reside. The one place where there are no boundaries strong enough to hold us. That one place is WITHIN US. Within our very souls.
99% of the motivation we need. Of the joy we search for. Of the peace we strive for. Of the love we yearn to get. Of the success we desperately want to achieve lies deep WITHIN our very souls, ready and waiting to be harnessed and used.

The almighty God in his infinite wisdom has done his part. He has bestowed on us glorious things and has called us into a life of glory and virtue (2 Peter 1:3). But this is dependent on us – dependent on how much we can harness from WITHIN us and how much we can muster the courage to use.
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask and think, according to the power that worketh IN us…” (Ephesians 3:20)
Yes! According to the POWER that worketh IN us. What a perfect way to put it. Let me repeat that: According to the POWER that worketh IN us. There is tremendous power at work within us. A power so strong that it makes us unstoppable. Unconquerable. All we need to do is to search within ourselves and make use of it.

Let us become self motivated enough, self enthused enough, self energised and self spirited enough to achieve the greatness we so much desire. Let fear not cripple you and disarm you. There is no limit to what we can do, be and achieve. The only limit is YOU! So remember- The Power is YOURS!